"In the end, the difference between Obama and McCain might come down to something beyond ideology-temperament."
Lucas:(上からの続き) That’s sort of led to saying, Well, if I’m already George Star Wars Lucas, then it doesn’t make any difference what I do from now on. I’ve cleaned up the first three to the point where I am happy with them now. They may not be perfect, they are as perfect as I can make them. I’m proud of the second three movies. People may not like them, but I’m proud of them. I never in a million years thought I could finish the whole story. In its course, I’ve done a lot of things I wanted to do, taking themes and stringing them different ways in different tones through different times---recurring elements twisted in different ways. And I’ve managed to do something that I’ve always kind of been fascinated with---doing something over 12 hours instead of two. What it really comes down to is, I am a happy man. What else can I tell you?
(Interview with George Lucas, “A LOOK BACK IN WONDER”, p48,Time, May 9, 2005)
"What it really comes down to is, I need MONEY!!"
8 年前